Sunday, March 18

Awak, yang call kita pukul 2.30 pagi haritu, sorry actually masatu tengah mamai sikit. Hm ni just nak cakap,  haritu kita ada mimpi awak :') Kita nangis dalam mimpi tu. Haha. Ok dah bye.

Monday, March 5

So we're going through our first monthly test. Wish me luck! Thank you!

Thursday, February 9

I am really sorry k? But please... kita text macam biasa boleh? I need you :/

Saturday, January 14


K kita lambat tengok video ni for 12 hours bersamaan 720 minit bersamaan 43200 seconds. I BLAME NIALL!! Lol k no i blame my sleep. Semalam i thought nak stay up je sampai video ni keluar but unfortunately tertidur -.- So bangun mandi ni baru tengok and nampaknya lambat. Bangun pun lambat kan Hewhew. So.. i raped the replay button Hihi. And yes, i'm a hardcore directioner. Since last year, before GBY MV keluar lagi. And i hate those people who thought they're one of our family but actually cuma minat one of the band members je. Don't call yourself a directioner then bitch!! Lol k. K meraban. K bye.

Monday, January 9

Kembar kita!!

Just now Hihihi K muka mmg masalah. Macam bodoh muka aku lewl. Minah ni paksa upload semua k malu je. Tapi ada ah satu muka serious macam apa je so taknak upload juga k kau diam zah! Kbye.